continental drift

[ˌkɔntəˈnentl drift]
  • 释义
  • 大陆漂移;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Sedimentary facies include river bed , alluvial flat, neritic , river mouth and limnetic, littoral, weathered continental drift bed and flood deposit facies.

    沉积相主要有河床相 、 河漫滩相、浅海相 、 河口湾相、湖沼相 、 滨海相和陆相坡积洪积风化红土等7种类型,它们的分布与古河谷的形成演化和海平面的变化密切相关.

  • 2、

    The idea that continents broke and drift apart is known as the hypothesis of continental drift.


  • 3、

    Why this elaborate analogy with plate tectonics and continental drift?


  • 4、

    This poses another problem, because continental drift moves points used to define the points alltime.

    这也产生了另一个问题, 因为大陆漂移的作用,这些测量点会不断的移动.
